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Dermal Fillers Dos & Don'ts | Allure Laser Studio near Houston TX

Dermal Filler Dos & Don'ts

Dermal fillers can do a wonderful job of smoothing out facial lines, giving your face a softer look, and helping you look younger.

Yet there are some important Dos and Don'ts that you should observe once you decide that dermal fillers are right for you.

Do: Find a Provider You Trust

Of course, we hope you'll trust the team here at Allure Laser Studio.

But we also encourage you to do your homework. Read reviews, check out before and after photos, and find out what steps the facility will use to keep you safe. 

You should schedule a free consultation, sit down with your aesthetician, and determine whether you feel comfortable and heard. You want a team that communicates well with you, and that understands the goals you're trying to achieve by choosing dermal fillers. 

Do: Share Your Medical History

Dermal fillers are safe for most people, but you should still help your provider understand your allergies, medical history, and medical concerns. This will ensure you get the best results and will allow you and your provider to anticipate potential issues. 

And if, for some reason, you are not a good candidate for dermal fillers, it's best to know now before you schedule a session. You don't want to find out after the fillers have already been applied. 

Do: Set Realistic Expectations

Know what your dermal fillers can and can't achieve. They correct specific problems, but they don't last forever. They also cannot work miracles. Ask your aesthetician whether or not dermal fillers can help you achieve the results you're hoping to see.

It may be impossible to meet your goals, or you may need to combine dermal fillers with other treatments to truly achieve the results you seek. Be honest and understand the limits of each treatment.

Do: Follow Directions

We give pre-treatment and post-treatment instructions to every client. Failing to follow that advice can cause complications or can prevent you from achieving the results you're hoping to achieve. 

Don't Expose Treated Areas to Sunlight or Heat

You should be gentle with your fillers directly after treatment. Avoid saunas, hot tubs, or direct sunlight. Wear a high-SPF sunscreen to protect your skin (which is just good practice anyway).

Don't Go Overboard

You and your aesthetician should work together to find the right amount of filler, but you want to start a little conservatively. 

The idea is to create a subtle, natural look. If you use too much filler, you'll get a swollen, artificial look that isn't as attractive as you might hope. 

Schedule Your Consultation Today

Using dermal fillers is an easy way to help you look and feel your best, and it all starts with a free consultation. 

Sit down to discuss your dermal filler treatment with one of our qualified experts.  Text (832) 583-1676 today. 

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