What You Should Know About Anti-Aging Facials

What You Should Know About Anti-Aging Facials

Wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin happen to the best of us. But if you want to look younger, you do have options. You just need to choose the right facial option.

New technology even gives you needle-free options. Here’s what you need to know.

How Do Anti-Aging Facials Work?

Almost all anti-aging facials work the same way: by stimulating the production of collagen and elastin.

To understand why, you must understand what collagen and elastin are and what they do.

Collagen is the main structural protein found in the skin. It replaces dead skin cells and gives your skin structure, strength, and elasticity. Collagen production naturally slows as you age, but you can still prompt your body to begin making more. When you get new collagen, you fill in fine lines and wrinkles. 

Elastin is a protein that gives skin its stretchiness. When you increase elastin, you tighten and lift your skin. 

What Is The Most Recent And Modern Anti-Aging Facial Option?

The most reliable way to produce collagen and elastin is to introduce minor trauma to the skin. That’s the science working behind microneedling, which is one of the most well-known and popular anti-aging treatments. However, microneedling comes with some problems, including the potential for bleeding.

Fortunately, modern science has surpassed microneedling and has introduced new options. Here in our Houston medical spa, we now offer a procedure called Sentient Tixel. 

Sentient Tixel prompts collagen production by using targeted heat to introduce an appropriate amount of trauma, all without piercing or breaking the skin. It also offers an exfoliative removal of the top layer of skin as your technician moves the device over the surface of your face.

You can use it to target fine lines beneath the eyes, around the mouth, under the neck, and more. Tixel may also be used to remove acne scarring.

Suppose you want to give yourself a non-surgical facelift. In that case, you can also look at options like EMFACE, which uses HIFES and RF frequency waves to provide a lifting effect in addition to a collagen production effect that fills in wrinkles and fine lines. Sometimes, you can use something like EMFACE in concert with Tixel to get incredible results. It all comes down to your goals, which is why it’s so important to sit down and have a consultation prior to scheduling any facial treatment. 

What Kinds Of Results Can You Expect From Modern Anti-Aging Facials? 

The results of Tixel are more dramatic and readily apparent than we’ve seen with past microneedling treatments. You can get lasting results by scheduling 3 treatments every 4 to 6 weeks, followed by 1-2 maintenance treatments on an annual basis. 

Before and after photos will show you that Tixel, properly applied, can help you remove a decade or more from your face. Tixel treatments require minimal downtime, though you’ll need high SPF sun protection after your treatments. You may also experience just a little bit of redness and swelling. 

Tixel is a fine way to feel more confident about your appearance and to enjoy the social and professional improvements that can come with putting your best face forward. 

Schedule A Tixel Facial Today 

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Schedule a consultation today. Text (832) 583-1676!

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