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EMSCULPT NEO - Two Therapies in a Single 30 Minute Treatment

Elevate Your Fitness Journey: Integrating EMSCULPT NEO as a Complement to a Healthy Lifestyle

EMSCULPT NEO is a fast, affordable, non-surgical way to sculpt your body. If you want the type of tight abs, toned arms, and tight booties that you see on television, EMSCULPT is one of the best ways to make it happen.

Yet it's important to understand how EMSCULPT NEO fits into your overall fitness journey. Doing so will allow you to develop realistic expectations about what this revolutionary technique can do.


What can EMSCULPT NEO accomplish for you? 

EMSCULPT NEO burns 30% fat and builds 25% muscle mass on average each session. You may use it to target your abdomen, buttocks, arms, or legs. 

EMSCULPT NEO tightens and tones your muscles, essentially giving them a hyper-efficient workout that would be difficult to replicate with regular exercise. To accomplish this, it uses Radiofrequency (RF) and High-Frequency Electromagnetic (HIFEM) energies to force muscle contractions while melting fat. 


Can EMSCULPT NEO replace diet and exercise?

EMSCULPT NEO cannot replace diet and exercise. In fact, it will not produce visible results if you are carrying too much body fat. 

While EMSCULPT may burn off some stubborn belly fat, you should ultimately think of it as a toning tool rather than a fat-burning tool. It does a great job of toning your muscles, but despite flushing some fat, it will not help you lose weight.

How close do you have to be to your target weight to take advantage of EMSCULPT NEO?

Most people should be within 20 pounds of their target weight before attempting to use EMSCULPT NEO. 

If you are heavier than 20 pounds above your goal weight, you are unlikely to be satisfied with the results of your EMSCULPT NEO sessions. 


How can you maintain the results you get with EMSCULPT NEO?

It's important to maintain an exercise routine and to eat a maintenance diet to ensure that you stay near your target weight. 

Note that the ultra-toned look of EMSCULPT NEO results is not permanent. They can last for about six months before you'll need a touch-up treatment. Fortunately, if you keep your body in top-notch shape, you generally won't need as many treatments as you would have needed to optimize results when you started. 


Schedule an EMSCULPT Consultation

Is EMSCULPT NEO right for you? 

Find out by texting (832) 583-1676 to schedule your first appointment!

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